
By: Kevin Haas

How a hot-headed leader, learned to respond rather than react. One of our clients, Josh, shares his …

9min read


The Robertsons

By: Barry Robertson

What do you write about when you are stepping down after 29 years of Stop At Nothing?…

9min read


Driving Accountability for Behavior and Results by Jon Patton

By: Jon Patton

I'd like to share a story about lessons in leadership. It was Friday evening, Sandy pondered the pro…

9min read


Meetings Virtual vs In Person

By: Ted Powell

In a world of conflicting schedules, we tend to rely on virtual meetings rather than in-person inter…

9min read



By: Kevin Haas

Brilliant leaders inspire others. They inspire a team to fulfill a purpose, to achieve excellence. T…

9min read


By: Kevin Haas

There are four types of listening behaviors, or levels. Each level has a different impact on your le…

9min read


Self Importance

By: Barry Robertson

Most of us don’t remember how self-centered and self-important we were as a baby. As a child, the …

9min read


Is that really what happened?

By: Cecilia Calderón

The stories we tell ourselves can open or close possibilities for us.…

9min read


By: Kevin Haas

I just don’t want to make the same mistake again.” Those were the words coming through the phone…

9min read