
By: Jon Patton

In this article, Jon shares the mindset of a high performing team and offers some of their nuggets o…

9min read


By: Jon Patton

Improve the function of your team. Download the Stop At Nothing Stages of Group Development Leader G…

9min read


By: Ted Powell

In a post-COVID-driven remote working environment, a countless number of our clients are experiencin…

9min read


By: Jon Patton

During our programs, leaders often share struggles from both their professional and personal lives a…

9min read


By: Cecilia Calderón

Yes, when we defend or argue for our weaknesses, we don’t change. We can see this from two perspec…

9min read


By: Jon Patton

For those who haven’t watched the Emmy-winning comedy series Ted Lasso, the story is about an Amer…

9min read


By: Jon Patton

Download the Stop At Nothing Gratitude Protocol Worksheet to begin living and leading better…

9min read


By: Ted Powell

When confronting a difficult hiring and retention environment, it is easy for us to blame external f…

9min read


By: Kevin Haas

Practice leading with curiosity by downloading the Curious Leader checklist!…

9min read